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Eat Welsh Lamb & Welsh Beef

Welsh farmers are famous all over the world for producing distinctive, world-class tasting lamb and beef.

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Porc Blasus

In Wales, we do things differently. Our pigs are reared in small herds. And our farmers have visionary yet traditional values.

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Red Meat Hub

The Red Meat Hub provides free resources for teaching young people about where food comes from, cooking and healthy eating. Visit our dedicated health and education sections and take a Food Field Trip with plenty of worksheets, recipes, videos and interactive quizzes.

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Eat Welsh Lamb & Welsh Beef

Welsh farmers are famous all over the world for producing distinctive, world-class tasting lamb and beef.

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Porc Blasus

In Wales, we do things differently. Our pigs are reared in small herds. And our farmers have visionary yet traditional values.

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Red Meat Hub

The Red Meat Hub provides free resources for teaching young people about where food comes from, cooking and healthy eating. Visit our dedicated health and education sections and take a Food Field Trip with plenty of worksheets, recipes, videos and interactive quizzes.

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SUREROOT – Roots for the future – a systematic approach to root design. 

In response to the increasing frequency and intensity of rainfall events in the UK, this project will determine whether soils can be modified by perennial grassland species to reduce incidents of flooding and drought whilst maintaining agronomic productivity and quality. It builds on the outcomes of the BBSRC ‘SuperGraSS’ project1 which showed that a Festulolium (ryegrass/fescue species) hybrid with modified root architecture had potential for flood control. This new project will build on that preliminary data and exploit the vast genetic variation available within forage species to modify root dynamics to mitigate the effects of excess or deficient rainwater supply. The multifunctional potential of perennial grasslands to deliver both economic and environmental benefits will be quantified using the IBERS National Plant Phenomics Centre (NPPC) and Rothamsted Research North Wyke Farm Platform (NWFP), as well as commercial farms using the expertise of the academic and industrial partners.

Project objectives;

  • investigating the ontogeny and expression of root phenotype in selected grasses and clovers both independently and in combination for improved soil hydrology
  • improving drought resistance and water use efficiency in clovers and grasses
  • monitoring on-farmagronomic performance and forage quality

This is a 5 year project that began in April 2014 and is being undertaken and co-ordinated by IBERS, Aberystwyth University with input from North Wyke, Rothamsted Research. There are a number of co-funders involved in the project including, HCC, AHDB, Germinal Holdings, British Grassland Society, Dairy Crest and Mole Valley Farmers. Waitrose Ltd is also involved in the project and the commercial farms will be recruited from their producers.