What is the Hill Ram Scheme?
Investing in Welsh upland farming and the rural economy which depends on it by applying the latest breeding technology and performance recording in the hill sheep sector.
Hill farming is crucial to the economy, culture and society of rural Wales.
The Hill Ram Scheme brings the latest technology to upland flocks in Wales with the aim of strengthening the Welsh sheep sector through long-term genetic improvement.
During the project, up to 45 farm businesses will be utilising DNA parentage technology to understand their flock’s genetic performance – allowing farmers to improve their flocks and meet market requirements with little to no change to their extensive systems and also creating a critical mass of performance-recorded hill flocks within Wales’ stratified sheep system.
The Hill Ram Scheme flocks form a geographically diverse network – including 7 Leader Flocks who will act as exemplars within the Scheme.
All flocks receive support and training as part of the Scheme to guide them in how to record their flocks, analyse and communicate the results as well as strengthening their stock marketing techniques.
How it works
Performance recording is an excellent way to achieve genetic improvement and helps sheep farmers to understand their flock genetics.
Until recently hill farmers have faced real challenges in performance recording manually due to keeping flocks on the hill. Therefore, traditional hill farms have not been able to performance record without making significant changes to their farm systems.
Farmers involved in the Hill Ram Scheme are using DNA technology to performance record meaning they do not have to make fundamental changes to their system. This enables them to select stock based on performance records on sheep that have thrived in the hill environment.
Seven Leader Flocks joined the Hill Ram Scheme in the Autumn of 2018. Two more rounds of recruitment have taken place, fulfilling the aim of having 45 farms as part of the Scheme.
Performance Recording
In livestock terms, performance recording is simply a measure of how an animal grew or reared within a set time frame. For example, how well a lamb grew from birth to weaning or weaning to finish or how many lambs a ewe rears in a year or a lifetime. The more information that can be collected the more informed the system. Weighing livestock is a simple but important tool and has many applications; growth rates, medicinal applications, identify effective/ineffective practices.
There are two main influences on livestock performance; one is the animal’s breeding potential determined by its genes ( ie genetics) and the other is the environment in which it is managed. Genetics determine how capable an animal is of thriving under various conditions, their resilience to certain diseases and pests and can contribute towards a more efficient production system. Genetics is defined as the study of how the characteristics of living things are transmitted/passed on from one generation to the next.
As technology and our understanding of genetics has developed and evolved it has now become possible to use genetic information to manipulate flock performance. Performance recording and using Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) enables a robust and faster rate of genetic improvement and is a proven, cost-effective and long-term way of improving animal production efficiency. Ensuring the best suited genetics for the system can have significant financial gains and is a long term sustainable solution for improving the overall performance of any farming business both economically and environmentally.
Estimated Breeding Values aim to predict the genetic potential of an animal and predict how an animal’s genes will be expressed in its progeny. This is done through a number of measurable traits. Measurable traits include:
- 8 week weight
- Scan (21 week) weight
- muscle depth (lean meat yield)
- fat depth
- mature size
- maternal traits
- litter size born
- maternal ability
In order to calculate EBVs on an across flock basis, animals are performance recorded. So far only pure- bred animals can be given EBVs as cross-breed analysis presents too many variables, although this is currently being researched. Animals within the same breed can be directly compared, provided that strong genetic linkage exists between flocks. EBVs can be combined to give an overall index.
Being able to interpret EBVs is essential to make the most of the benefits they can offer. At face value anything with an EBV graph that has blocks mainly on the right has a good/progressive index. However it is important to look under the cover; the highest index might not be right for your system. It is helpful to know in what areas/ characteristics you would like to improve, based on your own flock performance, to help select stock with the best genetics for your sheep. It is worth taking the time to think about what you want to achieve and understand what you’re looking at to reap the benefits.
Farm A is predominantly improved hill land running 1000 ewes. 800 of which are cross-bred and 200 welsh mountain. The majority are lambed outside from end-March through to May. First lambs are ready end-Sep through to November with the majority being sold as store lambs.
Improvements that can be made from selection of ram:
- Earlier finishing
- Less store lambs
- EBVs to look at:
Scan weight & Mature size (Growth) – Scan weight and mature size give an indication of how fast the progeny can grow, the bigger the mature size the faster the growth
Fat Depth and Muscle depth – it is important that the growth gained is going in the right places; too lean and lambs could become hard to finish or when breeding replacements they might not be hardy enough. This also helps increase the saleable meat yield on the finished carcase.
Hill Ram Scheme Publications
Our Other Projects
Red Meat Development Programme
Working with farmers and vets to promote proactive flock and herd health management, to help Wales lead the world in animal welfare, sustainability and efficiency.

Welsh Lamb Quality
Developing a blueprint for the whole supply chain to ensure that we deliver top taste consistency to consumers of PGI Welsh Lamb.

Beef Q
The BeefQ project aimed to improve the long-term financial sustainability of the Welsh Beef supply chain by developing and testing a technology (based on the Australian Meat Standard (MSA) system) that provides a sound scientific basis for demonstrating the eating quality (EQ) of Welsh Beef to consumers.